

1. Education and visual culture: construction of Memory, and with Memories

The influence of collective memory on individual memory and vice versa allows the construction of identity in childhood. It is intended that contributions to this issue relate to important cultural discourses in childhood. Identity, individual and social play, and construction and affirmation of the “I” in the world are to be considered. Possible areas of inquiry include the desire as a design in order to interact with others, affective behaviours, design as a reference, and the relationship of iconic memory and visual culture as a means of knowledge transfer.

2. Visual culture and childhood: Author and Authors

Singular and collective authorship manifestations are ways of seeing, feeling, projecting and communicating the identity, and these expressions are conveyed by desire and a intention that are materialized in artifacts or in play scenarios. We expect contributions related to the relevance of authorship in the construction of identity and cultural discourses, in interpretations of reality and fiction, in playing, and in personal experiences as artists, illustrators, designers and educators as ‘builders’ of sense to the child.

3. Childhood and education: Project and Projects

Drawing and projecting are both processes that lead to finished projects, and they participate conceptually in the fields of Drawing and Project Design. Beyond the expression of the creative individual, these manifestations are tangible representations that communicate across boundaries and cultures. With this topic we search contributions that question the relationship between drawing, typography and illustration and how these are fundamental in the construction of children’s projects, both for and by children. How does focusing on the representation and communication of an idea, in typography as image, in the text versus illustration, in the image versus interpretation, and in drawing as a process behind the project lead to knowledge and experience?  What is the role of drawing: graphic expression, creative process, or the drawing as a moment of art – from symbolic communication to the symptomatic?

4. Illustration and visual culture: Technology and Technologies

The materials for personal use and reproduction involve different techniques and processes giving rise to different expressions. The selection of medium is crucial to the development of the project (pencil, watercolor, gouache, collage …); the means of reproduction (silk screen printing, offset, typography …) determine the result; and, irrespective of their nature (toys, interactive games …), formats and platforms involve very different technologies from previous eras. These considerations play an important role in the ‘construction’ of visual culture, which is often ignored. At this level we expect input on the selection and use of technological means and their influence, not only from the point of view of adults, but from children as well.

5. Childhood, visual culture and graphic illustration: New Approaches to Education

Education through direct experience and education through formal pedagogy are two inherent paradigms in childhood learning. Both involve the transmission of knowledge, through creativity, experimentation and play. With this theme it is intended that contributions focus on teaching methodologies related to drawing, typography, image and playful learning; exploring the means of representation as a form of analysis, criticism and synthesis; the value of modelling – both prototypes and behaviours; the dangers of copying and rote memorization on learning; the exploration of educational strategies that advance the promotion and development of playing.


Papers and posters

Those who are interested can present —in the form of a poster or oral paper— their projects for creation, pedagogical practice and research, linked to the Conference topics.

Each participant can send a maximum of one (1) contribution, which will be revised by the Scientific Committee by using a peer review process.

For the oral presentation of papers, the Conference suggests the creation of Discussion Panels that will allow them to deal with all the papers selected and set parallel discussions. The papers selected will be previously published on the website, so that those in attendance to each Table can read them beforehand. For the development of the Discussion Panels, speakers will also put forward several issue-topics to be approached after the presentation of papers.

The Conference Organisation will provide a space for the Presentation and Exhibition of the Posters selected by the Scientific Committee, which will have undergone a peer review process. The posters will be exhibited every day of the Conference. The authors must be available during the intervals dedicated to the exhibition of posters as set in the programme to answer questions.

A proceedings book of abstracts will be edited including a selection of the papers and posters presented.

Information to participate in the Conference


Instructions to submit full paper

If you register for the Conference and your contribution is accepted by the Scientific Committee, you can then present your work at the Conference through an oral paper or a poster. Your abstract will be published in the Conference Proceedings Abstracts. The full paper of your contribution will be published in the Conference Proceedings website (ISBN) only if you attend to the Conference. For this edition, the document must include a maximum of 5 colour images, inserted in accordance with the guidelines of the Model File available at the Conference website. There is no limitation for black and white images, as long as the final document does not exceed 5 pages in A4 format. Should the author(s) consider it necessary, you may include more colour images for the website edition of the Conference Proceedings, as long as the final document does not exceed 5 pages in A4 format.


In the peer review process, two members of the Scientific Committee will be in charge of assessing your work. Should they have any suggestions or comments to make about your documents, they will be included in a table that will be then sent for you to read.

Should your work be accepted by both members of the committee without any comments in the first stage of the revision, your contribution will be included in the Conference Record to be digitally published. If one or both members of the Scientific Committee request document revision, you must make the appropriate changes in the text and comply with the deadlines set by the Conference Organisation, and then send the document for a second assessment.

Your work will not be accepted for publishing in the Conference Proceedings Abstracts in the following cases:

  • When neither member of the Scientific Committee accepts it in the first stage of the revision.
  • When the new version sent for revision in the second stage is not accepted.