
Conference proceedings are now available for download

link: conference proceedings

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2nd International Conference Art, Illustration and Visual Culture in Infant and Primary Education: Creative processes and childhood-oriented cultural discourses

The singular and plural coexist in daily life. The conference organizers are interested in how these forces interact and how this balance is achieved, or, how this relationship unfolds the past, builds on the present and is projected into the future.

The uniqueness of each person as a seed of collective identity (Memory and Memories) the individual expressions that manifest in collective expression (Author and Authors), the individual visual representations that participate in the collective discourse (Project and Projects), the manipulation of resources (Technology and Technologies), and engagement with experimental pedagogy (New Approaches to Education), are situations that we want to see explored within the theme of the conference. Foregrounded in submissions should be the acknowledgement of collective creativity and an empathy towards childhood – its memories, its challenges, and its opportunities for learning and growth.


Call for papers now open

Abstract up to 500 words

Key dates:

15 January – Call for papers

29 February – Deadline for abstracts

1 March – 15 March – Peer review period

16 March – Notification of acceptance

30 May – Deadline full paper

23 a 25 July – Conference

[click here for more info]